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Blast in Assam

Another bomb blast. This time in Assam.

Militants belonging to Karbi Longri National Liberation Front (KLNLF) are suspected to be behind tha blast. The blast went of inside coach number 8209 of 901 Lumding-Tinsukia passenger train, exploded around 8 am as it entered Diphu railway station. Almost 30 people are suspected to be dead as of now. Read More ...

I am waiting to see how India responds to this. Will the anger rise or will it make the country resigned to the idea that life of terror is now the norm and inevitable.

Will the country discriminate between terror based on who is responsible for it or on the basis of which part of the country is attacked?


Vishwa Bandhu said…
Todays media very well know, what we want to see. they will give a good coverage of daily soap, the reality shows, and for a change TAJ attack. they show this because we are interested in such things only. well TAJ kind of gun battle is routine in Kashmir, North East, and naxalite affected areas like jharkhand, poorvanchal, orissa and chhattisgarh, but we hardly see anything on TV, why.. because these places are of least interest.. we have nothing to do with it and we are safe (bull**it).
Please wake up. Try to see India as one. stop differentiating it on the basis of region, religion, caste, class and color.Utpal you have very well commented on this issue..
But I need more..
Thora bajao...

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