Paul Krugman, a Professor and columnist has won the nobel for Economics this year for his work on 'analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity'.
Aged 55, he writes a column for New York Times pretty much like the one Swaminathan S. Aiyer writes for The Time of India titled Swaminomics. Where he explains different economic issues in the language of the layman.
Simplifying a subject matter, without compromising with the content, has been my interest for a long time.
Its my belief that almost any thing, from the concept of Black Holes to study of trade patterns, are all very simple. It takes a great mind to identify the simplicity and even a better mind to express it thus. I have read a few of Krugman's New York Times articles and they are treat to read for exactly this reason. Swaminomics has the same charm and the precise reason why I follow it religiously, and so do most people I know.
Its my belief that almost any thing, from the concept of Black Holes to study of trade patterns, are all very simple. It takes a great mind to identify the simplicity and even a better mind to express it thus. I have read a few of Krugman's New York Times articles and they are treat to read for exactly this reason. Swaminomics has the same charm and the precise reason why I follow it religiously, and so do most people I know.
Maurice Obstfeld, an economics professor at the University of California, Berkeley has this to say.....
Some people think that something deep only comes out of great
complexity.... Paul’s great strength is to take something very simple and make
something new and very profound.
A couple of days back I had not heard of Paul Krugman, I can be excused for this because economics has never been a subject for me as a student and has cought my fancy only recently. But, now that I have discovered him, thanks to the Nobel prize, I intend to follow him more closely. I have spent more than a couple of hours reading him and like I said earlier he is treat to read.
Before I close, I will leave you with his reaction to the Noble Prize and also links to a couple of his articles.
To be absolutely, totally honest, I thought this day might come some day,
but I was absolutely convinced it wasn’t going to be this day, I know people who
live their lives waiting for this call, and it’s not good for the soul. So I put
it out of my mind and stopped thinking about it.
The links to his articles:
No Pain, No Gain?
Bits, Bands and Books
I liked this article alot coz this man really needs kudos for what he does and for which he's very rightly rewarded.
I too have been following his articles thanks to "The Hindu" where his articles feature regularly.
Anyways thats gr8 that u have made a blog entry about this person and in such a nice style.
Good keep it up!!!