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I am trying...

To create something is not easy. I say that after a month of trying. My mind and heart was working full time to post another item on this page. But I have been unsuccessful in writing anything remotely readable. I am completely disappointed with myself. I was of the opinion that I was good with words; good in analyzing situations and that I had loads of opinion on a lot of matters. Last month happened to erase all misconceptions I had about myself. Like always, after I am bitten by truth, I am in the mood to rationalize.

My first post was a story I wrote more than a year ago. A story inspired by a true incident. On that day I was at the hospital to donate blood for one of the employee of the institute where I study. But I didn’t meet any old man. The truth is that the man was in his early thirties and when he did come to me for help I turned him down. I had already given my word to another person. I admit I didn’t do anything to help him. I am aware that what he needed was empathy and some help. I instead only sympathized and turned him into a story. To garner more sympathy from the reader I turned him into this old man with an even more pathetic life. The indignity with which life was treating him made me angry. I guess such things happen all the time in this country. Coming face to face with one incident disturbed me. I wrote that piece to let out that anger. At least that is what I think.

That story is all I have to boast as my body of written work. Like all amateurs I am waiting for another inspiration since then. It seems my creative side wakes up only when I am emotionally charged. The OBC reservation issue did make me very angry. But it was short lived. Discussing it with friends made it worse. I lost all steam. The anger subsided exponentially with every discussion on the topic. May be I didn’t have any strong opinion other than what was being discussed already; in the college canteens or in the press. Nobody had anything new to say. The same arguments were presented in each article, during each discussion. There were very few articles that took stock of the situation more objectively, without taking sides. I wanted to present a new argument. But didn’t have any. So that topic passed by without me documenting it.

It’s been long since I have become immune to the Indian cricket team’s performance. With me not following cricket these days I am off that topic as well. In the absence of Sachin Tendulkar there is no pride in the topic. But with him back in form I hope that changes. With Saurav Ganguly absent from the Indian line up, it’s difficult to put blame on anybody for the poor performance of the team. So I guess this topic is closed till the Champions trophy.

I guess I need to take it easy. Not set time limit for putting up a post. I will wait for an inspiration to come by for a more readable post. Till then you would have to bear with all the crap I post.


Anonymous said…
Dude, you are doing very well. This was a very cool post. The write up on the back ground of the story was very impressive, you have a very literary bent of mind. Exploit (thats what writers do) stories around you, characters around you, build them up, in the end its your brain doing the talking and not necessarily the objective truth/reality. Use that writers license to imagine up things and infuse life/humour/tragedy in your stories. As you might have realized by now even the process of writing a story is a story in itself when properly used.

The point is not to get worried, you are not here to make new points on reservations, cricket and write new stories everytime.

All thoughts are stories, even if reported ad nauseum in the press and canteens, the point being to get them down on paper and in this blog's case to type them out. Once you make that effort to register it, you will notice your own points, the weaknesses of it and the strengths that proper/clever argumentation can do and hopefully suggesting new ways to look at things.

While thoughts are stories, thoughts are also just thoughts, a mass of amophorpous electrons flowing in your mind which you may perceive and see in written form, but its only you who is seeing it, I cant, unless you put them down on paper!

This post was very interesting. I would have wanted three different posts on the background of the story, reservations and cricket respectively. You have enough thoughts flowing there in that mind of yours.
Utpal said…
hi satya... these are very encouraging words. Also, i take this comment as my first lesson in writing.

I have seen that when I argue my points on a topic with others my thoughts flow for freely. But thats when I am speaking. An immediate counter argument gives my mind an opportunity for even more robust argument. Writing on the other hand is a more self involved exercise. I have no body who would counter argue. Thats why i need to register my thoughts. Just like you said, with time, I will notice my own points; the weaknesses of it and the strengths.
Moreover, i hope, the counter arguments in form of comments will help me build up on my arguments.

From now on I will not wait for an inspiration to come by. Will try writing more often and hopefully learn in the process.
roy said…
once again i must tell u rationalize very well...
really very well written..
well...its true the more emotionally attach u the better u can wrrite on a topic...
and u do not need counter arguments from others to get something out on a topic... u can counter urself on ur views...and get a better understanding...a better outcome...try it out..
well waiting for a new article...though i know will take time...will wait...
Utpal said…
hey sanjay...good to see your comment finally.
thanks for the nice words....
hoping that u check this site regularly... will try putting a post soon.
Anonymous said…
hi utpal...its only by being with u and reading ur blogspot that i got the inspiration to write.. i think u can express urself quite easily which is really good ( atleast for me .. i think u know it)..its good that u mentioned the incident and we all will learn that seldom we get the chance to do something good and we should grab that moment with both hands...go on blogging
yogesh gupta said…
nice chemistry b/w u and ur Maid...njoy that...:P

btw ....liked the way of starting it ...keeping a suspense..

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